Next 13.4.1 Builds Fine On Local System But Fails On Vercel

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A paste containing 247 lines of plaintext.
14 Replies
Brendonovich2y ago
are you using useMemo in a server component?
Hycord | @ When Replying
Nope It errors in every single page
Hycord | @ When Replying
Brendonovich2y ago
yeah idk
jdsl2y ago
Anything being used/shared between all these pages that could hint at the problem?
[08:30:56.050] > Export encountered errors on following paths:
[08:30:56.050] /contact/page: /contact
[08:30:56.050] /contact/success/page: /contact/success
[08:30:56.050] /faq/page: /faq
[08:30:56.050] /forums/page: /forums
[08:30:56.050] /page: /
[08:30:56.050] /store/page: /store
[08:30:56.050] /team/page: /team
[08:30:56.050] /vote/page: /vote
[08:30:56.050] > Export encountered errors on following paths:
[08:30:56.050] /contact/page: /contact
[08:30:56.050] /contact/success/page: /contact/success
[08:30:56.050] /faq/page: /faq
[08:30:56.050] /forums/page: /forums
[08:30:56.050] /page: /
[08:30:56.050] /store/page: /store
[08:30:56.050] /team/page: /team
[08:30:56.050] /vote/page: /vote
Double check these hints:
Hycord | @ When Replying
import clsx, { ClassValue } from "clsx";
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";

export function cn(...input: ClassValue[]) {
return twMerge(clsx(input));
import clsx, { ClassValue } from "clsx";
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";

export function cn(...input: ClassValue[]) {
return twMerge(clsx(input));
That's used by all the components in my ui package But why would it build and start locally fine but error on vercel
cje2y ago
It’s fixed in newer Next versions
Hycord | @ When Replying
I have next 13.4.1
cje2y ago
Very strange
cje2y ago
Bug: Vercel deployment results in TypeError: Cannot read properties...
Provide environment information System: OS: macOS 11.6.1 CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M1 Memory: 112.23 MB / 16.00 GB Shell: 5.8 - /bin/zsh Binaries: Node: 18.13.0 - /usr/local/bin/node Yarn: 1.22.17 - ~/....
cje2y ago
It sounds exactly like this Which has been fixed upstream
Hycord | @ When Replying
Yeah I've come there a few times What should I do?
cje2y ago
Try to reproduce it in a new app Figure out which package is causing it Open an issue
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