How to stop working after work?
Especially if a bug report comes in after I'm home from work, I will panic debug and crawl through logs until 1 AM. It's seriously messing with my sleep and I have no time to de-stress lol. How do I stop caring as much in my off time?
7 Replies
Turn off your phone and computer. Lock it up if you have to. Your company has no right to your time outside of work hours stipulated in your contract.
At the end of the day though you’re the only one who can prioritize your health. You have to make that choice.
i wouldnt know if a bug report comes in after work lol
Also, unless you’re working on software that is mission critical (literally lives hang in the balance) no bug is so bad it can’t wait until morning. That’s generally how I approach this kinda thing. Very rare is the bug that will make me drop everything to fix it outside of work hours. But I don’t work on mission critical software.
There might be rare exceptions to that but the average bug doesn’t even come close.
This is the way
If you quit, would the company collapse?
if not, they will be fine for a few hours while you rest
Exactly. And if the company would collapse they’d better be paying you like you’re that important.
And even then I wouldn’t put up with that for very long at all. Don’t become the single point of failure.
it's a transactional relationship, they give you a set amount of money, you give them an equivalent amount of work. Don't fuck with the balance here
Unknown User•3y ago
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