TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Cynicade on 10/25/2023 in #questions
How to achieve `text-overflow: ellipsis` functionality, but the ellipsis is followed by a link
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TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Cynicade on 5/23/2023 in #questions
Choosing a React framework-thing
TL;DR need to build simple frontend for tool, what should I use? Hey! I'm going to be building a request profiler at/for work and I want it to have a simple UI to make it easier to look through the output etc. React is pretty much the only frontend library/framework I've spent over 1000 hours with with (I'm a jr. backend dev, will be taking on a more fullstack role soon), so I think I want to use that for it. Question is, which of the React frameworks/stacks should I choose? I like t3 a lot, but I don't think I really need Next for this as it's probably going to be a single page anyway. I've used Astro before, but that too seems like overkill for such a task. People seem to not recommend CRA for reasons that I'm too junior to get into, but maybe it's good for something like this? Do I even need React or would vanilla JS suffice (without taking 2x long to build). SEO is irrelevant ofc since it's just an internal dev tool, as is perf to a certain extent. There are no requirements - it's sort of a "for fun" project -, but I guess it would be nice if it easily fits in with the rest of the stack, so TS, React, GraphQL, Redis/Mongo get bonus points lol (the latter is irrelevant for this question, but throwing it out there just in case). Sorry for the wall of text, and thanks!
18 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Cynicade on 1/18/2023 in #questions
How to stop working after work?
Especially if a bug report comes in after I'm home from work, I will panic debug and crawl through logs until 1 AM. It's seriously messing with my sleep and I have no time to de-stress lol. How do I stop caring as much in my off time?
13 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Cynicade on 12/17/2022 in #questions
create-t3-app not working with yarn 3?
Is anyone else facing issues using create-t3-app with yarn? There's an open issue on GH that's tagged as "won't fix" which seems odd to me ( I'm wondering if this is a problem in general or in specific cases and if there's a known workaround (other than not using yarn). It worked fine last time I scaffolded a t3 app a month or so ago, but that wasn't using trpc and nextAuth (don't lynch me, was just a toy project using GraphQL for a tool for work).
4 replies