is t3 stack good enough?
So basically i am trying to see ways to cut production cost etc
We consider moving our infrastructure and rebuilding with T3 stack
But based on my little research seems trpc doesn't work well with websockets and this is a most have for our platform because its similar to a
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Twitter but with payments including
So i it a good idea to use t3?
Build a Live Chat Application with the T3 Stack - TypeScript, Tailw...
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you can use t3 with websockets
ws and lambdas that are the issue
If u have a codebase already and ur problem is infra costs u probably want an infra solution and not a code solution
So my first question is what are u spending money on and why
just rebuilding an existing project isnt good
If your DB is expensive ct3a won't fix thay
It goes beyond the cost because basically the api are not type safe
And it will be a pain in the ass for the front-end dev to start writing types and interfaces for every thing on the front-end
So it's not a good idea then
You can use something like socketi on a prem server
Ws itself isn't nice in most stacks
What of something like pusher?
Also an option
If you are cutting costs
You should check expected price for both
What is your current situation?
Almost done building beta
Meant like stack used, where does the infra cost come from etc
Also u can use ct3a without deploying to vercel if u want all the perstince
laravel api backend
React js typescript front-end
How do you host these?
laravel can run on almost any vm
apache + nginx and you are good to go
if you are using laravel as a backend, i dont think t3 is the best for you
if you are using cron, maybe mail, and more advanced stuff
Namecheap cpanel
Just the red lines everywhere on the typescript
And no one has time to define the types its very large
And could possibly cause break during production
The only costs you have are by hosting or using some services like a db right?
How would t3 solve this?
Vercel is free
Planetscale or cockroachdb is also free
So that automatically eliminates the server stuff
so, I was in a similar situation this summer
we already had a backend and it was hopeless to get buy in to move everything over, which would have been the better solution
but I understand that it's scary if you are paying for it
anyways, if you can move to a full JS stack, the return in development speed is absolutely worth it
but as an alternative, you can
1) generate open-api specs from your backend
2) eat the open-api specs and generate types from them for the front end
3) go a step further and generate zod validation schemas, wrapped in react-query using zodios
I went with step 3) and it works great! Not as great as going full TRPC, but good enough
Thanks for this insight