I am blind.. HALP! (oauth redirect config issue)
Hey gang, I know I am blind, but I just can't see what the problem is...
just set up this toy app
(it's going to be an online chess thing with websocket)
and I can't log in!
localhost works, production doesn't, I get the "Invalid Oauth2 redirect_uri" error...
what am I missing?!?!?!
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20 Replies
are you setting the correct env value for prod?
I think so ðŸ˜
I think it's only the first part
Without the /api/...
I have it like this in another project and it works there, but lemme try anyways
on the "Invalid Oauth2 redirect_uri"
plus I think this should match what you put into discord
can you paste the redirect url?
it's there in the post
not that
when you click to sign in with discord
there is a new page
with the error
that URL?
sure, 1 sec
this is the one with the error
and this is the sign-in https://cha-chess.vercel.app/api/auth/signin?callbackUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fcha-chess.vercel.app%2F
you duplicated the code
oh damn!
you're right!
should be only the domain
without the /api/...
there's 2 of them here
thank you, my eagle eyed friedn! 😄yes
oauth2 is annoying
okay cool, redeployed without the
and it works 🖖