Next Auth JWT

Hello, I have 3 questions regarding NextAuth with JWT as session strategy: 1. When I return in the authorize function something like
return {
return {
I get an error that authorize does not match the User type of NextAuth. I have tried to override this in next-auth.d.ts file, unfortunately it did not work. 2. It it save to also send the user role in authorize? 3. Does the JWT refresh automatically when it expires when using CredentialsProvider?
2 Replies
Hycord | @ When Replying
I'm not sure of the answer to 1 or 3, but for 2, you should handle all client access server-side Obviously you can hide stuff that requires auth such as the username/pfp in a header or whatever
EQOP3y ago
For 2, I want to protect pages based on user role. Currently, I am doing this in getServerSideProps (with just http request) but was wondering it this would be also possible in NextAuth and tRPC

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