[CLIENT_FETCH_ERROR] when deploying to Vercel production
I am facing a problem when I am deploying my t3-app to Vercel in production. I am using Discord and Google Providers. I have set all env variables correctly. Locally everything is working, but when I deploy to production, I receive this error. Is it a problem with the next-auth package or I am missing something?
url: https://omnifit.vercel.app/
Thanks in advance!
Create T3 App
Generated by create-t3-app

4 Replies
you can see the error in the "Logs" tab on Vercel
something with the Prisma Client
2023-05-15T14:19:14.456Z undefined INFO - info Loaded env from /var/task/.env.production
prisma:warn Your generated Prisma Client could not immediately find its
, falling back to finding it via the current working directory.
prisma:warn We are interested in learning about your project setup. We'd appreciate if you could take the time to share some information with us.
prisma:warn Please help us by answering a few questions: https://pris.ly/bundler-investigation
PrismaClientInitializationError: Your schema.prisma could not be found, and we detected that you are using Next.js.
Find out why and learn how to fix this: https://pris.ly/d/schema-not-found-nextjs
at new Zt (/var/task/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:103:2769)
at t.getEngine (/var/task/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:174:6033)
at new t (/var/task/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:174:5617)
at /var/task/.next/server/chunks/550.js:99:42 {
clientVersion: '4.14.0',
errorCode: undefined
RequestId: ea5bc76a-48de-4d5a-9ffb-fc158f064d17 Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 1
User questions: Your project setup · Issue #19143 · prisma/prisma
Hi, you have been directed to this issue because we want to learn more about your project setup. Thanks to your answers, we will be able to better take design decisions in the future. We'd appr...
Using Prisma Client in a Next.js project in a monorepo setup
Using Prisma Client in a Next.js project in a monorepo setup
@Ronan this does not make sense. The deployment to Vercel succeeds and after that it can not find the Prisma Client.