T3 tRPC tutorials/videos show useQuery / useMutation, but I only see query / mutate?

Just getting started with T3 again, had a little experience previously, but the updates to app router don't seem documented really and I'm noticing that I see query() and mutate() on the end of my api calls instead of useQuery() and useMutation() .. ? I assume I'm doing something wrong? For reference I've been trying to rebuild this small todo app from Jack Herrington's trpc + app router video with T3 stack to try and learn as I go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCLV0Iaq9zU If anyone has any suggestions on where I can dig into some docs or learn more on T3 I'd appreciate it, I'm just having some hiccups with using api as an endpoint instead of trpc right now
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Figured it out, I was importing import { api } from "@/trpc/server"; instead of import { api } from "@/trpc/react";
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3 Replies
Sydney Viera 🔪
Sydney Viera 🔪•15mo ago
very simplified explanation but essentially the useQuery and useMutate are for handling things client side and the plain query() & mutate() are what you use when utilising server components / server actions
hopesixOP•15mo ago
@Sydney Hmm that's what I thought, I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong still, but this component is set to "use client" and I'm still seeing .query() and .mutate() instead of useQuery() etc
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hopesix•15mo ago
Figured it out, I was importing import { api } from "@/trpc/server"; instead of import { api } from "@/trpc/react";

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