Weird next-auth behaviour

I have a weird issue happening lately with next-auth. Whenever I call signIn('provider') , I get redirected to /api/auth/signin, and if on that page I click on whichever provider, I get redirected again to this same page. No errors are logged, even with debug: true set in nextAuth itself. On localhost, everything runs fine, even with a ngrok setup on top of it. I've already stripped away all of my custom configurations of next-auth, double checked my .env variables which seem to be in line with my production server (that is running fine). And the problem can't lie in the provider itself, as it's happening with every single provider, + email login (which doesn't trigger any of the next-auth stuff, and just redirects me back to /api/auth/signin. Would anybody know where I can continue to debug this? My environment runs on: - VPS setup with NGINX - A subdomain ( - Cloudflare
18 Replies
RockBacon•2y ago
Could cloudflare proxy be affecting it?
XaohsOP•2y ago
Yeah I thought about that as well, and turned the proxy off, but didn't seem to change the behaviour at all
j6rms•2y ago
Do you get the response code 302 too (instead of 200)? I'm experiencing similar redirect to /api/auth/signin but for me it's also in the happening in the localhost
j6rms•2y ago
The only thing slightly related was this issue, but the fix they suggested there is outdated:
bug: Discord login not working · Issue #952 · t3-oss/create-t3-app
Provide environment information The Discord login don't work on second try. Describe the bug You can login with discord on your first try, it works. But when you logout and login again it don&#...
XaohsOP•2y ago
Yeah I indeed get a 302 from the api call I have decided to change the way I'm apporaching this now, I now log in via the production (non subdomain) website, and share the cookies to my subdomain as well and use that to log in. So now I don't log in via the subdomain anymore, since I couldn't find out why this was happening
j6rms•2y ago
Just to follow up - I updated my system and the behaviour disappeared. As I updated many things, I'm not sure what affected it but most likely it was my Node version This is a nightmare, the redirect behaviour is back, out of nowhere 🤦
XaohsOP•2y ago
Yepp. Are you on a sub domain as well? I suspect the issue to be something revolving around the cookies on the sub domain, but no matter how much I messed with the cookie settings nothing seemed to work.
j6rms•2y ago
For me it seems the callbacks are not even fired properly, I get no cookies
XaohsOP•2y ago
No, I meant, the cookies before the session cookie is made. The csrf and the other one
j6rms•2y ago
Set up a question on StackOverflow today, too
j6rms•2y ago
Stack Overflow
next-auth signin redirects back to /api/auth/signin before the call...
I'm trying to build a simple Next.js app with next-auth. It seems I keep getting redirected from api/auth/signin back to the same api/auth/signin whenever I try to run any authentication methods. The
XaohsOP•2y ago
My callback isn't being hit either, it seems to just skip over it and redirect the page back to /signin. But I noticed on my subdomain those two cookies missing
j6rms•2y ago
you mean these?
No description
j6rms•2y ago
I get none of them The POST request payload includes the csrfToken tho
XaohsOP•2y ago
Yeha I don't have the csrf nor the callback URL set whenever I do the api call to the signin. The post req also does not return me any "Set-Cookie" header, while it's supposed to.
j6rms•2y ago
same here The weirdest thing is, it all worked for a couple of hours last night after I updated everything Then there was a network error, and after that all gone again
XaohsOP•2y ago
For me it worked as well for a while but then stopped working and this behaviour started happening. If I remove node modules, rebuild, restart my server, sometimes it works for a few minutes before it breaks again And the problem is I don't get any error messages anywhere or any indication anywhere of what's going wrong so I don't even know how to start debugging this. I had already tried removing all custom logic
j6rms•2y ago
Yeah, any errors missing is super weird too

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