t3-turbo + next-i18n + tRPC doesn't work on Vercel only locally

Hi. I tried to implement server side localisation in tRPC according to this article https://levelup.gitconnected.com/add-i18n-to-t3-stack-apps-8010e88a3a81 and this linked repo https://github.com/EugenVolosciuc/t3-i18n-demo. It is not turbo repo (just create-t3-app) and works both locally and on Vercel. My implementation with turbo repo https://github.com/martin-prochazka/create-t3-turbo-next-i18n works only locally (it is fork of create-t3-turbo simplified for this showcase): https://create-t3-turbo-next-i18n-nextjs.vercel.app/ Would be anyone able to help me? Thanks.
Add i18n to t3 stack apps
In all of my previous projects which required internationalization, I was using next-i18next. This is a fast and reliable way of adding…
GitHub - martin-prochazka/create-t3-turbo-next-i18n: Clean and simp...
Clean and simple starter repo using the T3 Stack along with Expo React Native - GitHub - martin-prochazka/create-t3-turbo-next-i18n: Clean and simple starter repo using the T3 Stack along with Expo...
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