Pre-rendered page + dynamic content

I have a list of pre-rendered (at build time) public articles. But then I want to check if there is an active user session, load additional draft articles and add them to the same article list. Is it possible to do this server-side without relying on useEffect or React Query? Can I somehow use a Suspense on a data loading hook?
I found a way with Next.js unstable_cache So I keep whole route dynamic, but I cache publicArticles instead: ```ts...
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edgaras15mo ago
I found a way with Next.js unstable_cache So I keep whole route dynamic, but I cache publicArticles instead:
export default async function ArticlesPage() {
const getCachedPublicArticles = unstable_cache(
// Cache public articles
async () => getPublicArticles(),
revalidate: 30, // for 30 seconds
const publicArticles = (await getCachedPublicArticles()) ?? []

const user = await getUser()
const articles = user
? [...publicArticles, ...((await getDraftArticles()) ?? [])] // If user is logged in, mix public and draft articles
: publicArticles // Otherwise, only show public articles
export default async function ArticlesPage() {
const getCachedPublicArticles = unstable_cache(
// Cache public articles
async () => getPublicArticles(),
revalidate: 30, // for 30 seconds
const publicArticles = (await getCachedPublicArticles()) ?? []

const user = await getUser()
const articles = user
? [...publicArticles, ...((await getDraftArticles()) ?? [])] // If user is logged in, mix public and draft articles
: publicArticles // Otherwise, only show public articles

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