Mutations on the trpc functions is throwing ["ERR_INTERNAL_ASSERTION"], queries are working fine.

Why are my mutations not working as they should ? The tRPC mutation function I call does not execute any lines of code inside that, it just throws the internal assertion error after few seconds. My setup is correct I feel as all the queries work fine, but the mutations dont.
1 Reply
shounakkayOP15mo ago
Hey y'all, export const userRouter = createTRPCRouter({ registerUser: publicProcedure .input(z.object({email: z.string(), password: z.string(), confirmPassword: z.string()})) .mutation(async (opts) => { const {input, ctx: {db}} = opts; const {email, password} = input; const result = await db.user.create({data: {email, password}}) return result }), }); So, I was able to resolve this error, by removing the console. Yes, by removing the console. But I dont understand why is the console causing this error ??

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