tRPC Express server with Next.js

As much as I hate this, I am required to use Express for back-end and Next.js for front-end. I have two Node.js projects, an Express server and a Next.js client. I did a minimal setup on the back-end side using the Express adapter and it is working fine when i try to hit an endpoint on the browser. index.ts:
const t = initTRPC.context<Context>().create();

export const appRouter = t.router({
hello: t.procedure.query((opts) => {
return { message: "Hello World", ctx: opts.ctx.ex.message };

export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;

router: appRouter,
const t = initTRPC.context<Context>().create();

export const appRouter = t.router({
hello: t.procedure.query((opts) => {
return { message: "Hello World", ctx: opts.ctx.ex.message };

export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;

router: appRouter,
Now when I try to use the trpc client on Next.js I get a TypeError. What I did once I created the Next.js client, is running npm link to be able to import my appRouter. Here is my utils/trpc.ts: ```js import { httpBatchLink } from "@trpc/client"; import { createTRPCNext } from "@trpc/next"; import { appRouter } from "trpc-express"; function getBaseUrl() { if (typeof window !== "undefined") return ""; if (process.env.VERCEL_URL) return https://${process.env.VERCEL_URL}`; if (process.env.RENDER_INTERNAL_HOSTNAME) return http://${process.env.RENDER_INTERNAL_HOSTNAME}:${process.env.PORT}; return http://localhost:${process.env.PORT ?? 3000}; } export const trpc = createTRPCNext<typeof appRouter>({ config(opts) { return { links: [ httpBatchLink({ url: ${getBaseUrl()}/api/trpc, async headers() { return {}; }, }), ], }; }, ssr: false, }); ```` If any one can provide me with insight regarding this issue, I'd appreciate it.
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