TailwindUI Bug (incorrect renders & missing classes)

Hi all, I'm having an issue currently where a TailwindUI component isn't rendering correctly in my app. I've tested the component in a new Next.js app where it worked perfectly fine. But for whatever reason, it's not rendering correctly in mine. So far I've tried: - Making sure the CSS files are the same in both apps - Updating my TailwindCSS & HeadlessUI versions - Comapring the rendered classes in both apps with each other using inspect element. I have no idea what the problem could be. Here's an example of what the code should render (left) vs. what is being rendered (right). For some reason, it also seems like items-baseline is missing from the problematic app in client renders, even though the TailwindCSS version is v3.4.1
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5 Replies
leetcode247OP12mo ago
It seems like there's also a few classes missing from my main app that appear correctly in the new app such as items-baseline and bg-indigo-500 can someone please help?
Juice Weasel
Juice Weasel12mo ago
Does the problem happen in both dev and prod builds?
leetcode247OP11mo ago
Not sure, I haven't pushed this to prod @Juice Weasel
Juice Weasel
Juice Weasel11mo ago
What I meant was does this happen when you build NextJS locally and run the server versus dev mode?
leetcode247OP11mo ago
Hmm I haven't tried building it, I'll give that a go.

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