Best places to learn about rest api's and resources for building one.

Hey all, i've kinda figured out my next pet project in javascript learning that I asked the community in the career channel (thanks by the way) but while i'm doing that I'd also like to learn more a bout rest api's and the backend regarding account creation/and data hosting. does anyone know any good books or youtube channels to learn more about it (i've been focusing on the front end so far so i'm lost on the back-end stuff still). seriously thanks to everyone for all the help this discord has given me, and the confidence you guys give others, truly made me feel like it's okay to not know things!
2 Replies
/usr/bin/cat2mo ago
try building some project that stores some data on server and has some kind of limit; maybe add a mock primum; you will learn! don't think too much, their is no correct when you are a dev! NUT SHELL just build soem complicated system you will learn!
MKMike2mo ago
Hi @Dallas fellow noob here, but here are some things I found helpful. Theo made this video, not super beginner friendly but does touch basics of what you are looking at in the first hour : These series from the YouTube hunterbyte (it's sveltekit and pocketbase so you'll have to figure out equivalent if you are building in next js): another sveltekit example thag is well explained from joy of code this post about the mvc pattern was also super helpful for me otherwise the docs for clerk , pocketbase , drizzle , prisma, super base etc and the vercel docs are all pretty good . good luck!
Theo - t3․gg
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