How should I host my apps given these requirements?

First of all its going to run on a single vps. It needs to support more projects in subdomains, if I add more projects. Plausible and glitchtip or similiar will be both self hosted for apps. It has to support database backups to storages, and configing everything up must be made with ansible. I have looked, dokku and other self hosted paas solutions or just docker compose. Or some else solution i dont know about. Dokku seems like the easiest solution with dockerfile for a project, since it doesnt support docker compose. But i dont know if getting plausible and glitchtip will be doable with it. But i am open to your suggestions.
2 Replies
Matvey2y ago
Check out nginx-proxy, with it you can easily assign domains to docker containers and automatically issue SSL certificates -
GitHub - nginx-proxy/nginx-proxy: Automated nginx proxy for Docker ...
Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen - GitHub - nginx-proxy/nginx-proxy: Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen
MassukkaOP2y ago
Yeah,dokku users nginx for proxying under the hood

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