What to use for storage of logs from SaaS

Yo! I am building a SaaS for game servers, and I want to provide logging as well. I have currently been pepega and stored some simple logs in my database while testing, but with more complex data and search, it's not going to scale nor work very well in the long run. I've been looking at both stuff from Elasticsearch and Algolia, but does anyone have any other services that might be worth looking into? 🙂
3 Replies
Sturlen•12mo ago
https://axiom.co/ might be up your alley
Stop sampling, observe every event – Axiom
100% of your data for every possible need: o11y, security, analytics, and new insights.
chipOP•12mo ago
Ought to be something like that or just self host clickhouse maybe
r.omaarr•12mo ago
I've used https://betterstack.com/logs and connected it directly to my fly.io instance. They had a pretty nice feature to parse my print statements to actual queryable logs without any change to the actual code
Logs (formerly Logtail) | Better Stack
Visualize your entire stack, aggregate all your logs into structured data, and query everything like a single database with SQL.

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