T3 Drizzle Questions: Push, Migrate, Etc
Apologies I'm still pretty new to using ORM's, I've only worked with Prisma a few times in the past as well.
When I say, add a new table, or add a new column to a table, I simply need to call
pnpm db:push
afterwards and it'll push that up to PlanetScale for me.
So when exactly would I need to deal with Migrations with Drizzle Kit..?1 Reply
whenever you need to change the schema hosted in your database to update it with your local changes you will need to run the drizzle generate command and then the migrate command. Drizzle also has a push command I believe for development but it may erase your data, I can't remember. The docs have good info and will show you what you exactly what you need to write depending on your sql config and such