Request -Website to analyze npm packages
Theo made a video on it but I forget the website name and cant find the video. The tool analyzes and NPM package and sorts it where you can see the functions, types , etc
5 Replies
Visit - bundlejs is a quick and easy way to bundle, minify, and compress your ts, js, and npm packages all online.
Bundlephobia | Size of npm dependencies
Bundlephobia helps you find the performance impact of npm packages. Find the size of any javascript package and its effect on your frontend bundle.
@noblica no not this, not to bundle but rather to analyze
you input the package @whatever... then it analyzes it and just shows the different functions of the package the types etc. rather then looking through node modules. docs for this package are not great
TS Docs | Reference docs for npm packages
Generate type documentation for npm libraries
Theo - t3․gg
The creator of npm is making something new 👀
Crazy to think that the npm registry has never had competition before, but here we are. JSR and Volt are both...interesting, and I'm excited to see where they go
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