Should i finish learning c# or stop halfway and learn javascript

currently learning c# and i’ve learned quiet a bit just finishe oop and i know all the basics and advanced topics i want to learn javascript for front end but i dint know if i should finish learning c# since im in the middle of a course or just go ahead and start learning js?
21 Replies
Neto2y ago
you can study frontend with c# blazor is a nice example of it, is a little bit far com pure js/ts code, but would teach you the fundamentals
.matzz.OP2y ago
Neto2y ago
Blazor | Build client web apps with C# | .NET
Blazor is a feature of ASP.NET for building interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. It's real .NET running in the browser on WebAssembly.
Neto2y ago
you can learn how to do frontend before writing javascript directly, something that you would have to learn either way
.matzz.OP2y ago
but javascript seems really interesting to me
Chocolate Banana
It depends on your goals. C# is a great language and you can still learn a lot more. Especially with Asp.Net Core, Databases and SignalR. You can build full apps without much JS now. I recommend you continue with it just because of your momentum. Switching now will slow you down for sure. But if your goal is to become a front-end developer, then you can switch.
Neto2y ago
you can learn frontend on the current c# ecosystem then move to it
.matzz.OP2y ago
i have experience in frontend and backend through projects and jobs i got freelancing my goal is to be either backend or fullstack but the only reason i want to learn js is to make interesting projects that can lead to a job
Chocolate Banana
In that case there is no need. C# with blazor is more than enough to build full projects
.matzz.OP2y ago
is it harder or easier than using javascript i feel like blazor will just give me issues i wouldn’t have with js since its just a third party framework/library instead of using a language that is made for webapps specifically
Chocolate Banana
I mean, there is no harm in taking some time to learn JS
.matzz.OP2y ago
should i fnish c# first and then take time to learn but my main focus is getting a job with c# i want to learn js mainly for projects and to just have fun with it im scared that if i focus on js my c# skills will fade since thsts what happened when i transitioned from python to c#
Chocolate Banana
You dont have to. (finish the course) You can jump right in. What you already know will translate for the most part. Functions, for loops etc.I would reccomend jumping into typescript soon as its more similar to c# than vanilla javascript. But it will also be a bit more challenging in the beginning
.matzz.OP2y ago
will my c# skills fade? since c# is oop based and as far as i know typescript is dynamically typed
Chocolate Banana
Not really. And even if it does, it will be much easier to "re-learn"
.matzz.OP2y ago
so i should stop my course even tho im mid course in c# and continue learning javascript with another course then typescript
Chocolate Banana
A lot of knowlege translates between languages. And as long as you becoming a better developer overall, thats all that matters There are no rules. Like you can spend 2 weeks focussing on JS, then switch back and forth. It is possible to learn them side by side. As you will most probably be building a project using both
.matzz.OP2y ago
but wont html, css, js, typescript then react, angular and c# get me overwhelmed
Chocolate Banana
Well only you will know once you try. If you find it is becoming too confusing, you can decide what to do next. You can either switch back to C# and do Blazor for frontend, or you can focus more on the JS ecosystem (Which can be overwhelming regardless of whether you are doing c#)
.matzz.OP2y ago
I’ve looked for good sources for learning blazor but i can’t seem to find any
jermberj2y ago
Dude, there are plenty of good resources for learning Blazor, check out Udemy for one. It genuinely seems like you’re just looking for permission to switch languages while you’re in the middle of learning another. Do what you want, no one is going to stop you. But it’s worth thinking long and hard about why you’re so eager to switch in the middle. There are a lot of things about programming that are going to make you want to stop halfway through. Learning the skill of completing something even when it’s a grind is also very worth your time.

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