How can I break into backend software development?

Hey all, so I have been learning web development. But I find I am more interested in the back end then the front end of things. I would like to learn more about back end with the eventual goal of transitioning away from my current software dev role to something in the backend. What technologies would I realistically need to know for this?
6 Replies
Neto2y ago
you should focus on backend-y concepts not the tech itself
Neto2y ago
Backend Developer Roadmap
Learn to become a modern backend developer using this roadmap. Community driven, articles, resources, guides, interview questions, quizzes for modern backend development.
Neto2y ago
like this one here
NoName Nomad
NoName NomadOP2y ago
I see there's alot to learn well alright then, guess I have some studying to do. Thanks am I allowed to ask follow up questions in one thread or do I need to make one post per question?
Neto2y ago
Probably is better to make different threads, as they are different questions
NoName Nomad
NoName NomadOP2y ago
alright thank you

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