React Cache Function

Hey, according to Next.js docs, you can cache db queries and similar with the cache function from React, however I do get an error when deploying to Vercel. What can be the issue? I can confirm I am using the latest version of next, react and react-dom. The cache function is indeed imported and used from react like described in the docs;
import { db } from '@/drizzle';
import { rolle } from '@/drizzle/schema';
import { eq, placeholder } from 'drizzle-orm';
import { cache } from 'react';

const rolleQuery = db
.where(eq(rolle.individualId, placeholder('individualId')))

export const getRoles = cache(async (individualId: string) => {
const roles = await rolleQuery.execute({ individualId });
if (roles.length === 0) {
return null;
return roles;
import { db } from '@/drizzle';
import { rolle } from '@/drizzle/schema';
import { eq, placeholder } from 'drizzle-orm';
import { cache } from 'react';

const rolleQuery = db
.where(eq(rolle.individualId, placeholder('individualId')))

export const getRoles = cache(async (individualId: string) => {
const roles = await rolleQuery.execute({ individualId });
if (roles.length === 0) {
return null;
return roles;
1 Reply
MyrsethOP2y ago
Sorry: I was using next 13.4.9, upgrading to 13.4.10 solved the issue

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