Tagged Union in a Relational Database
really specific question, how does one represent a tagged union in a relational database?
take the following typescript type as an example:
I implemented it in postgresql using jsonb type, but there has to be a better option.
(answer with sql pls)
3 Replies
Following β I too ended up going the json route and am still convinced there has to be a better way
I generally just use jsonb and when i decode I handle the type narrowing. Serde has some nice handling around it in rust but in typescript I just do the usual if tag ....
This looks like a good read as well: https://www.parsonsmatt.org/2019/03/19/sum_types_in_sql.html
Sum Types In SQL
Algebraic datatypes are a powerful feature of functional programming languages.By combining the expressive power of βandβ and βor,β we can solve all kinds of...
Also useful
Any idea of how to implement tagged unions in Postgres. For example, Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a, Tree a)This is one data type feature which would be great to have. I know you can create separate tables for each option in the type and use an id, but is a direct type implementation possible?Dont need polymorphism(say a = String). Even a non ...
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