Any examples of UploadThing with just JavaScript + JSDoc? & Help with uploadthing/client

I created my app with just JavaScript + JSDoc, setting up TypeScript is too much of a hassle for me and I don't got that time to resolve all the errors that might be caused by migrating all the code. But UploadThing doesn't seem to have an example for just JavaScript, can anyone provide me with uploadthing/client examples for just JavaScript? While trying to use uploadthing/client but I have no idea what to put as the files: [], and when I click File[] on the documentation doesn't really lead me to anything....
uploadthing/client - UploadThing Docs
The UploadThing Client module provides utilities for working with files in your application and communicating with your backend file router.
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4 Replies
Yoku「ヨク」OP5w ago
The reason I'm using uploadthing/client is because I don't know how to use uploadthing/express without needing to set up a file router as I just need the uploader...
choco5w ago
uploadthing/client - UploadThing Docs
The UploadThing Client module provides utilities for working with files in your application and communicating with your backend file router.
choco5w ago
vanila js
Yoku「ヨク」OP5w ago
Oh- Wait yeah I see.. thank you Now I just need to figure out how to use this in my server-side code instead or if uploadthing/express has something where I can just set up an uploader without setting up file router Hmm... I need to lead myself to the router anyway it seems even if I use the client library @w@ I think I should've been using uploadthing/server? yeah I found what I want, I should've been using UTApi instead of trying to set up File Router

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