hello guys, so It's a bad idea to use Prisma in Vercel because of the 500ms response?

I've watched Theo's video and It seems like continuing to use t3 w/prisma in Vercel serverless is not a great idea because It's very slow to fetch data from serverless.. so should i switch to the drizzle or keep using prisma and tolerating the slow response? thanks for you guys' help.
1 Reply
Glenn2y ago
I'm currently using Prisma still for the product MVP because it's just the out of box stack, but plan to switch to drizzle with http connection to the planetscale db. I've not yet measured it, but this allows switching to edge, thus basically killing of the cold-start time as well as drastically reducing the prisma engien overhead. Drizzle since v3 seemingly got even faster and I expect waaaay less row reads with the update. All in all: Can't tell you for a fact, but if you even slightly care about performance and somehow belive the word of mouth, do it.

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