Can I Uploadthing to upload .onnx files?

Can I use uploadthing to upload .onnx (and custom file types) using uploadthing? I Had issues uploading .onnx files in the past, but I may have been using it wrong. It wasn't in the supported file types and I tried to use blob but I couldn't get it to work. Maybe I was doing something wrong?
Stack Overflow
Send blob (image) from frontend to backend with nextjs and trpc (T3...
I'm trying to send a picture of a leaflet map from the backend to the frontend where i use the leaflet-simple-map-screenshoter library for taking the image. This returns a blob which i want to send...
2 Replies
Josh16mo ago
Yes, you just use the blob file type
currenthandleOP16mo ago
@Josh I set up a new t3 project (no trpc, no auth, no orm) and then copied the example, to the letter, other than changed imageUploader to blobUploader . It works fine with uploading .json files but fails with .onnx files with error: Error: Could not determine type for network_single.onnx, presigned URL generation failed Any thoughts on what the issue could be?

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