I was trying to make an app using tRPC, prisma and neon database I am facing some issues

So what I wanna do is push details of a playlist into DB Here is what I have defined in my trpc/index.ts :
createPlaylist: privateProcedure.input(
playlistId: z.string(),
description: z.string(),
title: z.string(),
})).mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => {
const { userId } = ctx;

return await db.playlist.create({
data: {
playlistId: input.playlistId,
description: input.description,
title: input.title,
createPlaylist: privateProcedure.input(
playlistId: z.string(),
description: z.string(),
title: z.string(),
})).mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => {
const { userId } = ctx;

return await db.playlist.create({
data: {
playlistId: input.playlistId,
description: input.description,
title: input.title,
Here is how I am trying to call the api :
interface PlaylistInput {
playlistId: string;
title: string;
description: string;

playlistId: playlistID,
title: playlistTitle,
description: playlistDescription,
interface PlaylistInput {
playlistId: string;
title: string;
description: string;

playlistId: playlistID,
title: playlistTitle,
description: playlistDescription,
It's throwing an error which is :
Argument of type '{ playlistId: string; title: string; description: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'UseTRPCMutationOptions<{ title: string; description: string; playlistId: string; }, TRPCClientErrorLike<BuildProcedure<"mutation", { _config: RootConfig<{ ctx: object; meta: object; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer; }>; ... 5 more ...; _output_out: unique symbol; }, { ...; }>>, { .....'.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'playlistId' does not exist in type 'UseTRPCMutationOptions<{ title: string; description: string; playlistId: string; }, TRPCClientErrorLike<BuildProcedure<"mutation", { _config: RootConfig<{ ctx: object; meta: object; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer; }>; ... 5 more ...; _output_out: unique symbol; }, { ...; }>>, { .....'.ts(2345)
Argument of type '{ playlistId: string; title: string; description: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'UseTRPCMutationOptions<{ title: string; description: string; playlistId: string; }, TRPCClientErrorLike<BuildProcedure<"mutation", { _config: RootConfig<{ ctx: object; meta: object; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer; }>; ... 5 more ...; _output_out: unique symbol; }, { ...; }>>, { .....'.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'playlistId' does not exist in type 'UseTRPCMutationOptions<{ title: string; description: string; playlistId: string; }, TRPCClientErrorLike<BuildProcedure<"mutation", { _config: RootConfig<{ ctx: object; meta: object; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer; }>; ... 5 more ...; _output_out: unique symbol; }, { ...; }>>, { .....'.ts(2345)
I have no clue how to fix this, help
4 Replies
cje16mo ago
The arguments belong in the mutate call, not when you create the mutation
vanshOP16mo ago
So how exactly do I go on about fixing that? Sorry I am very new to this so I am a lil confused
cje16mo ago
useMutation() | tRPC
The hooks provided by @trpc/react-query are a thin wrapper around @tanstack/react-query. For in-depth information about options and usage patterns, refer to their docs on mutations.
vanshOP16mo ago

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