Extension loader pattern only recognizes ext2 instead of ext1 and 2
Hey, can someone help? posted the question on stack overflow as well, but I am hard stuck stuck, this is the code:
after the
It should be aware of the ext1 and ext2 extensions. but somehow during the .add it loses the type information and only knows about the latest added extension. How can I modify the code so its aware of both extensions?
Playground: https://tsplay.dev/N7D2Gm (67 Lines)
I tried many things and I am expecting that it should work together, the reason why I, in the ExtensionLoader have an unusedAUI is so that while you define you extension you can "depent" on a specific set of extensions to be loaded and build upon them. Later when it actually then loads the extension it will only "build" it once.
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1 Reply
I gave this to Claude 3.5 Sonnet which gave me this solution after 3 iterations:
and it seems to work from my editor and the playground. I'll confess I don't fully understand what's going on here but maybe this working version (if it's indeed working) is enough to unblock you 🙂