How to make a fully public page with TRPC requests on T3?

I need to make a public page on T3 that calls for some public data from TRPC but I see that if I make any TRPC calls (even a simple hello world procedure) it fails and the console gives me errors regarding Clerk. How can I have some fully public page/data?
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5 Replies
fotoflo10mo ago
code? did you use a public procedure?
vanxh10mo ago
did you added ignore trpc path in middleware?
vanxh10mo ago
Next.js: clerkMiddleware()
The clerkMiddleware() function allows you to protect your Next.js application using Middleware.
GabrielDSFSOP10mo ago
Hey, yeah it's a public procedure @fotoflo export const publicProcedure = t.procedure.use(sentryMiddleware); getSinglePublicByID: publicProcedure .input(ThreadCommonSchema) .query(async ({ input, ctx }) => { try { return ctx.prisma.thread.findUnique({ where: { id:, isPublic: true }, include: { messages: true }, }); } catch (err) { handlePrismaTRPCError(err); console.log("error is", err); } }), This here is the middleware @Vanxh import { authMiddleware, clerkClient, redirectToSignIn } from "@clerk/nextjs"; import { NextResponse } from "next/server"; // This example protects all routes including api/trpc routes // Please edit this to allow other routes to be public as needed. // See for more information about configuring your Middleware export default authMiddleware({ ignoredRoutes: ["/api/webhooks/stripe"], async afterAuth(auth, req, evt) { // Handle users who aren't authenticated if (!auth.userId && !auth.isPublicRoute) { return redirectToSignIn({ returnBackUrl: req.url }); } if (auth.userId) { const user = await clerkClient.users.getUser(auth.userId); if (!user?.publicMetadata?.credits) { await clerkClient.users.updateUserMetadata(auth.userId, { publicMetadata: { credits: 5000, }, }); } if (!user?.publicMetadata?.plan) { await clerkClient.users.updateUserMetadata(auth.userId, { publicMetadata: { plan: "basic", }, }); } } // If the user is signed in and trying to access a protected route, allow them to access route if (auth.userId && !auth.isPublicRoute) { return; } // Allow users visiting public routes to access them return; }, }); export const config = { matcher: ["/((?!.+\\.[\\w]+$|_next).*)", "/", "/(api|trpc)(.*)"], };
Intern10mo ago
I would recommend you to migrate to clerk middleware as auth middleware is depreacted afaik I think that you could remove "/(api|trpc)(.*)" from the matcher and handle auth directly in trpc like make a protected procedure. Or do something like described here: .

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