full stack ideas to ask
I wanna make a Full stack project with MERN, 1st comes to my mind is twitter clone, but it's a little repeating, so I started to think build an app with same features(thread app) like twitter, but with different design, do you guys have any good suggestions for this? BTW, I plan to put this on my portfolio. Pls feel free to tell me your ideas.:thanks:
13 Replies
Take something you like. Maybe it is a hobby of yours or a sport...maybe even a game you like to play and build a fullstack application around it.
Hi @chip thanks for responding. Another question wanna ask: is MERN outdated to use?
There are now a lot of better tools and stacks. We're a big fans of T3 stack and Next.js here, but it might be a bit harder, if you only know MERN. You can still build coll stuff with MERN
MERN is a totally valid stack to start with. Don’t care so much about the stack when you first do full stack. Think about the fundamentals and get to know backend/front end concepts. Don’t jump into next without knowing the underlying principles and having some sort of fundamental understanding
mern can be valid but there are some consideration? First maybe relational database would be more accurate for your project? For thread app like / twitter like app realtional database looks better
Second consideration is about your backend app architecture? I highly recommend to glance over
Tao of Node
What about front-end? Have you picked stack for state management or you want to go vanilla and do it on your own? I would go with react-query if I were you@kewinzaq1 For frontend, I have made some proj like https://movie4fun.netlify.app. For backend, I plan to use MVC. Thanks for your recommendation, I’ll look this book later. For db, I am not familiar with relationDB, I think I could give a try. Agree with you, relation db is more suitable. Also a good chance for me to learn.:thinkies:
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@dot How about infinite scrolling in such app?
@dot I think that this is a key feature in such app
@dot without front-end you won't implement it
bro is already over-engineering 😦
I have a holdon feature is about discover movies with infinite scrolling
@kewinzaq1 I think I'll extend it next time. Thanks for suggestions
@chip where is over-engineering?
Im talking to kewin there xd
do you have any experience with frontend or backend, let alone databases and if so, how much @dot
maybe you're right, but I just asked some basic questions based on the app @dot want to build
if choosing right db and implementing infinite scroll for app with wall is overengineering then you're absolutely right
Not too much, but I think its enough
@chip I am not very professional. Like, for frontend, I could be easy with hooks, react query, redux. For backend, I could implement CRUD, auth. Very basic, but maybe very useful?