Missing API Key - server callback

https://uploadthing.com/api/serverCallback is returning 400 "Missing API Key" for some users, but not others, using the same server. The request Authorization header has the JWT from /api/uploadthing?actionType=upload pollingJWT on our site, and the requests look identical for users where it returns 200 and 400. What could be going wrong?
7 Replies
ElonMask5mo ago
any luck?
markr5mo ago
We did have one other user encounter this, on an old version of UT. We did not locate a root cause, but upgrading to a newer version of the package solved it for them.
ElonMask5mo ago
worked! thankyou
ps_iclimbthingsOP5mo ago
I figured updating would fix, I was hoping for something simpler that doesn't require updates. If UploadThing isn't going to remain backwards compatible and will randomly break, I'll have to reconsider whether we continue using it
ElonMask4mo ago
ngl kinda sucked that it stopped working, but the team was quick to help. julius helped upgrade the library and even helped w an issue caused by a separate lib i was using. doubt any other service would’ve bothered.
ps_iclimbthingsOP4mo ago
I was not so lucky, I posted that question and got no response for 4 days, even after also sending in a support email
ElonMask4mo ago
i think this channel is more of a tech-general kind, u prob should've asked in https://discord.com/channels/966627436387266600/1102510616326967306 they seem to answer every query over there.

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