Noob, I tried to follow along with the docs but got a different file structure.

Hello, I recently tried to learn the T3 stack and decided to use the official T3 docs. However, I got confused when I ran npm create t3-app@latest and got a different file structure than the one shown at anyway my question is how can i get the showen folder-structure
Create T3 App
Folder Structure 🚀 Create T3 App
The best way to start a full-stack, typesafe Next.js app.
8 Replies
Deleted_user_f8439ab4ed59OP•10mo ago
it seems that i don't have the /pages folder
Ben•10mo ago
The pages folder(often called pages directory or pages dir) is an older alternative to the app directory. To get a project that uses the pages dir, answer "no" when asked "Would you like to use the Next.js App Router?" by the CLI. You answered "Yes" to that question when using the T3 CLI, so your project was created the app folder. Honestly would recommend using the app directory, as it's the more modern approach. Most of the tutorials and stuff you see will be using that Docs should get updated to reflect this though, so good job catching that!
Deleted_user_f8439ab4ed59OP•10mo ago
okay thank you for the detailed response it really confused me since i followed along a tutorial that used the pages folder
Ben•10mo ago
Yup no worries, you're welcome to use the pages directory, though like I said if you're learning all this for the first time, it might make more sense to use app dir(even if you need to find a different tutorital) becuase it's pretty much what everyone has switched over to.
Deleted_user_f8439ab4ed59OP•10mo ago
hello 🙂 i was just woundering how i would use the session in my next.js compunets i created my project with the app router as your suggested and i seem to have errors when i make a usestate since i use the getServerAuthSession i could read it only work in server compunets but i don't seem to be able to use the useSession() since a project in the t3 stack created with the app router don't have the session provider? do you have any suggestions to fix this issue? i would love to hear your input thank you !! i tried look up how they do it in the t3 docs but it seems that they only use the /pages router and it really confuses me
Ben•10mo ago
I’m assuming you’re using next-auth? Just search up “next-auth NextJS 14 tutorial” and you should find a guide to walk you through it. I know Cody sets it up in the this tutorial around the 34 minute mark
Web Dev Cody
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Be sure to checkout the sponsor of this video if you want a great way to easily setup notifications directly into your applications. Code: Timestamps: 00:00:00 Overview 00:05:08 Next Setup 00:06:56 Docker + Postgres Setup 00:09:21 Drizzle ORM 00:11:32 env-nextjs 00:14:0...
Ben•10mo ago
I guess be a little careful following that tutorial exactly because he’s not using create-t3-app, which creates a fair amount of the files and schemes you need for next-auth, for you. You can follow that tutorial but avoid duplicating any files T3 already creates for you
Deleted_user_f8439ab4ed59OP•10mo ago
thank you

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