Fresh Create-t3-app isn't deploying to vercel
I kept it as simple as possible, ran create-t3-app with typescript and app router and trpc. However whenever I deploy its unable to detect framework and isn't deploying any static assets other than favicon
GitHub - codymurphyjones/create-t3-issue
Contribute to codymurphyjones/create-t3-issue development by creating an account on GitHub.
16 Replies

oh, the link is super wrong
What do you mean its wrong?
just created a t3 app, pushed to github, and deployied to vercel

Create T3 App
Generated by create-t3-app

GitHub - STNeto1/t3-demo
Contribute to STNeto1/t3-demo development by creating an account on GitHub.
lemme try again ig
its failing on literally 2 different fresh t3 apps I made today
so im really confused
its a no database, no next auth, setup
just the as barebones as possible setup

gonna try it again
it seems to work that time, but id like to use TRPC
looks like its a problem with vercel then
if you cant deploy with trpc
annnnd it worked that time
im so lost lmaoo
Yeah im 100% sure that there was an issue with its framework detection and it went away right when you tested it lmaoo
welp my original is still broken lmaoo
guess ill just recreate and migrate but I seriously cant fathom what is going wrong here