Confused with t3-stack

I have planned a production project with nextjs, but confused, should I use t3-stack or not?? Because as I can see nextjs pushed app/ but t3 doesn't support it so just asking what is the best option, also i wanna use chakra ui with it, but emotion is not supported in app/ properly i guess
24 Replies
Lopenβ€’2y ago
T3 is just a stack gluing Nextjs Tailwind Prisma Trpc So you won't have to go through the hassle of setting them up one by one So i am guessing your questioning is tailored towards do i need to use the nextjs app router or pages router
PranoyOPβ€’2y ago
Yes πŸ‘€
JessesBeetShoppeβ€’2y ago
I would recommend doing some reading about react server components and getting a sense of whether they're developed enough for your use case yet. When I tried them, the docs were lacking in detail and there were issues with things like pagination which was a dealbreaker for me at that time, so I have been using regular t3-stack. I'm not sure how far RSC's have come since then, maybe they feel more production ready but I also have no complaints about pages, so am personally just choosing to let the react team cook for a little longer before moving.
PranoyOPβ€’2y ago
What if they deprecate or remove it?? I also don't have any complaint about pages
JessesBeetShoppeβ€’2y ago
afaik pages is supposed to be supported for at least the next few major versions (ie, multiple years). It is still fully supported in next 13. I don't see them deprecating pages while the community is still so divided on app/
PranoyOPβ€’2y ago
Alr i understand πŸ‘€ thanks
Tomβ€’2y ago
i would also add that i think most people who are using RSC's are still trying to figure out what the best practices are. and tons of libraries are still trying to figure out how to support them things are kind of a mess right now πŸ˜› but i would agree that pages are probably the safer bet. worst case scenario youre stuck here with a bunch of other people who will also need to figure out how to convert
PranoyOPβ€’2y ago
So i guess I have to switch to remixjs πŸ‘€
Tomβ€’2y ago
cant speak to remix. never looked into it
PranoyOPβ€’2y ago
What you're using right now?? RSC or pages?
Tomβ€’2y ago
pages i think 95+ % of people who have an app in production are going to be on pages
Christian Lind
Christian Lindβ€’2y ago
also check out prisma and cold start issues - i can see it being fine for smaller hobby projects but doesn't work for anything large scale I just cant see T3 being a viable stack with these glaring problems
Lopenβ€’2y ago
I use t3 stack in production on a real serverπŸ™‚
Christian Lind
Christian Lindβ€’2y ago
@lopen3 what have you built? Could i check it out and get a feel for the performance?
Lopenβ€’2y ago
Something related to cards Like a mini bank
Tomβ€’2y ago
I agree prisma is kinda nonsense on serverless. However you can just skip that and use kysely or drizzle or something My app is going public later this month and it uses t3 but with prisma placed with kysely
Lopenβ€’2y ago
The problem is i am not ready to learn new way of things I am already in love with prisma just like tailwind
Tomβ€’2y ago
well if youre running on a real sever you dont have to. prisma is great except for (1) cold starts which dont happen on serverless and (2) the crazy way they do joins. but your app might not have a ton of joins i just like kysely cause at the end of the day its just a string builder. so no matter what i could always just replace it with raw sql. i dont lose any of the capabilities of sql by using it
Benjaminβ€’2y ago
Does it make more sense to keep using pages with tRPC? Is it why the T3 stack keep using it?
Lopenβ€’2y ago
It's all upto you You can go bleeding edge and use t3 with app router here
PranoyOPβ€’2y ago
Is it stable?
Lopenβ€’2y ago
I have no idea You can ask there My personal opinion i hate vue Most times, the people i use using vue are laravel developers The ideology of vue is different from reactjs, so it shouldn't be a role model to react Vue and react are 2 different worlds apart vue feels like html while react feels like javascript React is okay You can also explore into nextjs I haven't used it before, but i saw the benchmarks But then nobody knows about nuxt js Vue and angular will be preferred over nuxt by many ppl Speed isn't everything Most times they are ms But DX is more important to ppl Yes Yes it's enough But at some point you need to learn something else like tailwind because its same reason you learn react so you could be more productive and build faster But vanilla css is good enough
nexxelβ€’2y ago
prisma just got a lot faster btw πŸ‘€
Tomβ€’2y ago
i tried the jsonProtocol when it was in preview. i didnt notice a difference. i still had 10s cold starts hopefully they fixed something

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