TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by JessesBeetShoppe on 8/1/2023 in #questions
Rate Limiting in AWS API Gateway
Hello! I need to implement rate limiting for some of my API Gateway endpoints that have lambda proxy integrations. As a result of the proxy integrations, and because I would like to include a "Retry-After" header, I need to include the rate limiting logic in my lambda itself - I can't do it on the API gateway level. Currently I am thinking of selecting the count of requests from the client in the last 60 seconds from my database and applying rate-limiting based on that. However, I'm not sure if there is a better way of approaching this/whether this is a generally cursed approach. Would anyone be able to provide some more insight?
2 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by JessesBeetShoppe on 6/8/2023 in #questions
PII Data
Hey everyone! Just seeing if you guys are encrypting PII data before storing it, and for those who do, what is your approach to this? I'm the only dev in my company and am just hoping to get a sense of where the industry is with this kind of thing.
3 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by JessesBeetShoppe on 3/12/2023 in #questions
Disable Refetch on Focus in TRPC
Hello! I believe trpc refetches data when the user focuses on the window due to using react/tanstack query under the hood, and I know you can disable refetching on window focus in react query. Where would I adjust that in the context of trpc in a create-t3-app?
12 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by JessesBeetShoppe on 3/8/2023 in #questions
Creating APIs with Bearer Auth in API Gateway
Hey all, I'm just looking for some resources on setting up bearer authorization in AWS. At the moment I have API Key auth implemented, but would prefer a system where they hit /token with their API key and use the returned JWT bearer token for subsequent requests with auto refresh and all of that nice stuff. Most of the resources I've found online have been tough to digest, so I thought I'd see if anyone has experience doing this or knows of a good resource to learn about it. Thank you!
1 replies