Unable to upload zips
Hello, I have been trying to upload zips using upload thing I have provided my core.ts, the page where it's being used, and actions.ts where I use zod,
the dropdown zone opens my fileexplorer allows me to choose a zip but it doesn't do anything after there is no upload button or loading state

5 Replies
hey, is your issue resolved? i'm following the same tutorial by jan marshal and facing this very exact issue.
@ImMist use the blob type and this will work.
Oh thanks I'll look into it.
I too followed that tutorial but sadly stripe connect does not support creating accounts from india I'm thinking of ways to repurpose the site and make something new
out of context but whats the color theme?
It does bhai.
It worked for me
copilot theme- high contrast
oh I'll reach out to you in DMs if you don't mind.
if it works it'll save me hours of work