Has anyone tried using prisma just for migrations, and using drizzle for querying on Postgres DB?

I have a postgres database used by another non JS backend and we were using drizzle to manage the schema and migrations as well as querrying it from this another BFF where drizzle is installed. But facing a lot of issues, seems like Postgres is not a priority for drizzle at the moment seeing some perpetually open issues https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm/issues/295 that are unaddressed. I love the query structure of drizzle and the performance gains are also nice to have. Is it advisable to use prisma just for the migrations? Has anyone had any success with this? If so how is the experience. Would really appreciate more insight into this.
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4 Replies
Antonio (Eingin)
Not exactly what your asking about re Prisma but at my previous company we used node-pg-migrate. We had a separate repo just for managing the SQL migrations and some Github workflows that automated the deployment when one was merged in. This worked quite well and never had any issues with it. https://salsita.github.io/node-pg-migrate/
PostgreSQL database migration management tool
Matvey9mo ago
People did this with kysely before drizzle got popular. You can maybe try it, there are tools to convert prisma schema to types for keysely
DugeHickOP9mo ago
Sorry for the late reply. Checking it out, thanks a lot. Ill document here for future readers.
Ovidius9mo ago
Hi, I'm using prisma just for migrations but with MariaDB and all the queries are standard sql... I guess I don't see yet the value of ORM in querying the DB but just in managing the schema.

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