Migrating from T3 to T3 Turborepo

I have an existing T3 web app (Next, Clerk, tRPC) and I'm developing a mobile version. How can I utilize the existing tRPC endpoints and Clerk auth? I know there's a monorepo sample that Theo went over in some videos, but I'm not starting from scratch.
10 Replies
Ayoub K
Ayoub K7mo ago
Just migrate to a turborepo project, shouldn't take more than an hour or two
Ayoub K
Ayoub K7mo ago
here's a guide from Julius https://www.jumr.dev/blog/t3-turbo
Migrating a T3 app into a Turborepo
Detailed walkthrough on how to migrate your T3 App into a Turborepo. We'll also add an Expo React Native Application to the mix.
MochaOP7mo ago
Thanks! Seems like a lot has changed since then, so it's been taking me a little more than two hours. It links to some nonexistent files. I'm using Clerk and Drizzle. They assume NextAuth and Prisma. I'm getting this error when trying to run the root turbo install.
ERR_PNPM_CATALOG_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND_FOR_SPEC  No catalog entry 'prettier' was found for catalog 'default'.
ERR_PNPM_CATALOG_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND_FOR_SPEC  No catalog entry 'prettier' was found for catalog 'default'.
Ayoub K
Ayoub K7mo ago
if you can share the code producing this error ?
Erhan Yaşar
Erhan Yaşar7mo ago
I just initialized a repo with t3 and I got the same error for the "catalog:" on auth-proxy app when I hit pnpm i on the root folder for monorepo. Is there any solution for this? I just learned catalogs but is it ok to provide it within package.json with an empty value?
MochaOP7mo ago
Do you get the same error when going directly with create-t3-turbo ?
GitHub - t3-oss/create-t3-turbo: Clean and simple starter repo usin...
Clean and simple starter repo using the T3 Stack along with Expo React Native - t3-oss/create-t3-turbo
MochaOP7mo ago
I can't share the source code, but the problem I'm having is probably with the new setup requiring the /packages folder. I'll search for a newer guide.
Erhan Yaşar
Erhan Yaşar7mo ago
I'm trying to spot the difference via different machines but what I realized is, cloning directly the repo on git works while interactive cli command npx create-turbo@latest -e https://github.com/t3-oss/create-t3-turbo have this error. Well, i assume the reason to get the same error is Apple silicon chip. I tried to clone the repo on Apple processor and it also fails. But Mac book with Intel successfully installs both via npx command or git clone.
Erhan Yaşar
Erhan Yaşar7mo ago
I'll look more for broken lockfile warning but anyway the error occurs without it as well.
No description
MochaOP7mo ago
That makes senese. I've got Apple Silicon too.

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