Headless WordPress hosting for ~2k page marketing blog

Hi fellow nerds! ❤️ Moving a ~2k page, WordPress marketing blog to headless with an Astro front-end. The site is currently hosted on https://wpengine.com/ but I'm not impressed with the number of bugs in their admin I've encountered in the first hours of use. Are WPEngine any good? (I've encountered so many issues with their products) What managed WP Hosting would you recommend for headless? Ideally I'd rather a managed solution that will handle backups and updates for me (I don't want to be the one responsible for keeping a WP instance updated, secure, and online! 😬 ) Thanks! ❤️
7 Replies
fotoflo12mo ago
hi @rob - I like to use flywheel for wordpress https://getflywheel.com/
Trevan Hetzel
Flywheel | Managed WordPress Hosting for Designers and Agencies
Flywheel is managed WordPress hosting built for designers and creative agencies. Build, scale, and manage hundreds of WordPress sites with ease on Flywheel.
fotoflo12mo ago
they do nice things like migrate you for free and they a nice a native mac app that will host a dev env database and let you make changes and do revets
fotoflo12mo ago
sorry to plug my own thing here..... Also, May i suggest you use a free account on my product - https://fastmonitor.io - put your website in there and we'll track the page speed. Do this before the migration. After the migration you'll have a solid before and after comparison
FastMonitor - Fast, Actionable Website Performance & Stability Moni...
FastMonitor.io - Fast, actionable monitoring for page speed and stability - key drivers of conversion. Receive instant alerts when your pages slow down or go down. And when you have an emergency, or just need a speed up, our experts come to the rescue.
fotoflo12mo ago
(fastmonitor is a t3 app 🙂 )
Y7YA12mo ago
Hostinger is quite established and competitive.
robOP11mo ago
thanks man, fast monitor looks cool too. Are you only measuring is 200 response + response time, or do you record CWV scores too?
fotoflo11mo ago
hi @rob sorry it's been a couple days. We measure Page Speed Insights and response and respose time. CWV is kind of a panel that doesn't always show up if a page hasn't had traffic yet

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