Uploading Word Documents (.docx/.docx)
I have been trying to upload .docx files using UploadThing. I used the following configuration:
The drag and drop functionality works perfectly, but showOpenFilePicker has been giving me the following error on Chrome:
TypeError: Failed to execute 'showOpenFilePicker' on 'Window': Invalid type: application/msword/*
This problem is only happening with the click to upload button in UploadDropzone, the UploadButton is working perfectly for some reason. Any ideas on what can be done to solve this?Solution:Jump to solution
However, 5.2.0 is broken within the pages router, so if you're using the pages router, you'll have to use the 5.2.1 canary version, here:
3 Replies
Hey! There was a bug which led to uploadthing generating invalid mime types, this was fixed in 5.2.0 :)
However, 5.2.0 is broken within the pages router, so if you're using the pages router, you'll have to use the 5.2.1 canary version, here:
Thank you! That worked perfectly.