Extending Drizzle Schema in to multiple files with planetscale table prefix

Using the t3 latest App router I want to create a new schema file for each added table just so I can include drizzle-zod schemas inside this file so I would have a file for teams / posts etc However, the tables from the extended schema doesn't get created with the "t3-new" prefix but their actual table name /server/db/schema/teams.ts
export const mysqlTable = mysqlTableCreator((name) => `t3-new_${name}`);

export const teams = mysqlTable("teams", {
id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
name: text("name").notNull(),
userId: varchar("user_id", { length: 256 }).notNull(),
export const mysqlTable = mysqlTableCreator((name) => `t3-new_${name}`);

export const teams = mysqlTable("teams", {
id: serial("id").primaryKey(),
name: text("name").notNull(),
userId: varchar("user_id", { length: 256 }).notNull(),
import { teams } from "./teams";
export { teams };
import { teams } from "./teams";
export { teams };
import { Client } from "@planetscale/database";
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/planetscale-serverless";

import { env } from "~/env.mjs";
import * as schema from "./schema";
import * as extended from "~/server/db/schema/_root";

export const db = drizzle(
new Client({
url: env.DATABASE_URL,
{ schema: { ...schema, ...extended } },
import { Client } from "@planetscale/database";
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/planetscale-serverless";

import { env } from "~/env.mjs";
import * as schema from "./schema";
import * as extended from "~/server/db/schema/_root";

export const db = drizzle(
new Client({
url: env.DATABASE_URL,
{ schema: { ...schema, ...extended } },
Can this be done or will I just have to create a new folder for each of the respective drizzle-zod types and leave the table creation stuff inside the original schema. I was just playing around with the config to see if it would work, it creates the tables fine just the extended schema creates the tables without the prefix.
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