how to pass trpc typescript between parent and children ?

I have data types when using useQuery but I want to also include these types inside the component that I am using here is an example const { data , isLoading, refetch } = api.users.submission.useQuery(undefined, { refetchOnWindowFocus: false }); <Submissions refetch={refetch} data={data} /> export default function Submission({refetch,data}) {} I want when I use data into Submission component I can see the data types that comes from useQuery, how can I achieve that ?
4 Replies
Liltripple_reid3mo ago
you can use the RouterOutputs of the path you're querying
om3r3mo ago
is there a tutorial for this or an example how can I do that ? oh I see so I have to use it like this inside a variable and then use it ? const fils = data as RouterOutputs fils.users.submisison can I use it inside the props instead or its only inside a variable ?
Circus3mo ago
I don't really know what you're saying here, but what Liltripple was referring to was RouterOutputs, which would something like this export type RouterOutputs = inferRouterOutputs<AppRouter>; and then define your type, which for you would be something like export type Submission = RouterOutputs["users"]["submission"]
Inferring Types | tRPC
It is often useful to access the types of your API within your clients. For this purpose, you are able to infer the types contained in your AppRouter.
om3r3mo ago
yes i got it working , its my first time knowning about output I think i have to check trpc course because there is still alot of information missing , thanks man 🙂
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