Check DB or update session when DB role changes

I need to block access to certain routes based on the user's role and companies associated with they. The problem I'm having is that if a user is already connected with a session, when their role is updated on the DB the session does not update, so it keeps the same role and companies, keeping the same permission as before.
This is my initial implemetation, works great: ``` import { signIn, useSession } from "next-auth/react"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import { useEffect } from "react";...
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4 Replies
felipe.franco15mo ago
Currently I have this middleware.ts that checks the user role and the companies that the user has access to. The roles are: - USER : Can access only the /dashboard/[companyId] route if the companyId is present in the token.companiesIds; - ADMIN: Currently the same access as the USER role (other routes will be implemented in the future); - SUPERADMIN: Can access all /dashboard/[companyId] independent if the companyId is present in their token.companiesIds. All requests that try to access "/" or a /dashboard/[companyId] are redirected to /dashboard/[companyId] using the first companyId in token.companiesIds.
// middleware.ts
import { type NextRequestWithAuth, withAuth } from "next-auth/middleware";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";

export default withAuth(
function middleware(request: NextRequestWithAuth) {
console.log("middleware", request.nextUrl.pathname);

const token = request.nextauth.token;
const pathname = request.nextUrl.pathname;
const companyId = pathname.split("/")[2] ?? "";

// Check if the user is authenticated
if (!token) {
console.log("redirecting to auth", request.nextUrl.pathname);
return NextResponse.rewrite(new URL("/auth/signin", request.url));

const defaultCompanyId = token.companiesId[0];
const isCompanyInToken = token.companiesId.includes(companyId);

// Object to define redirection rules for each role
const roleRedirectRules = {
USER: !isCompanyInToken,
ADMIN: !isCompanyInToken && !companyId,
SUPERADMIN: !companyId,

const isDashboardWithoutCompanyId =
!companyId && pathname.startsWith("/dashboard");
const shouldRedirect =
roleRedirectRules[token.role] || isDashboardWithoutCompanyId;

// Redirects based on the role's rules
if (shouldRedirect) {
console.log("rewrite to default company id", defaultCompanyId);
return NextResponse.redirect(
new URL(`/dashboard/${defaultCompanyId}`, request.url)
pages: {
signIn: "/auth/signin",

export const config = {
matcher: [
// middleware.ts
import { type NextRequestWithAuth, withAuth } from "next-auth/middleware";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";

export default withAuth(
function middleware(request: NextRequestWithAuth) {
console.log("middleware", request.nextUrl.pathname);

const token = request.nextauth.token;
const pathname = request.nextUrl.pathname;
const companyId = pathname.split("/")[2] ?? "";

// Check if the user is authenticated
if (!token) {
console.log("redirecting to auth", request.nextUrl.pathname);
return NextResponse.rewrite(new URL("/auth/signin", request.url));

const defaultCompanyId = token.companiesId[0];
const isCompanyInToken = token.companiesId.includes(companyId);

// Object to define redirection rules for each role
const roleRedirectRules = {
USER: !isCompanyInToken,
ADMIN: !isCompanyInToken && !companyId,
SUPERADMIN: !companyId,

const isDashboardWithoutCompanyId =
!companyId && pathname.startsWith("/dashboard");
const shouldRedirect =
roleRedirectRules[token.role] || isDashboardWithoutCompanyId;

// Redirects based on the role's rules
if (shouldRedirect) {
console.log("rewrite to default company id", defaultCompanyId);
return NextResponse.redirect(
new URL(`/dashboard/${defaultCompanyId}`, request.url)
pages: {
signIn: "/auth/signin",

export const config = {
matcher: [
// ./server/auth.ts

//... imports

* Module augmentation for `next-auth` types. Allows us to add custom properties to the `session`
* object and keep type safety.
* @see
declare module "next-auth" {
interface User {
id: string;
role: Role;
companiesId: string[];

interface Session {
user?: User;

* Module augmentation for `next-auth/jwt` types. Allows us to add custom properties to the `jwt`
* object and keep type safety.
* @see
declare module "next-auth/jwt" {
interface JWT {
id: string;
role: Role;
companiesId: string[];
// ./server/auth.ts

//... imports

* Module augmentation for `next-auth` types. Allows us to add custom properties to the `session`
* object and keep type safety.
* @see
declare module "next-auth" {
interface User {
id: string;
role: Role;
companiesId: string[];

interface Session {
user?: User;

* Module augmentation for `next-auth/jwt` types. Allows us to add custom properties to the `jwt`
* object and keep type safety.
* @see
declare module "next-auth/jwt" {
interface JWT {
id: string;
role: Role;
companiesId: string[];
* Options for NextAuth.js used to configure adapters, providers, callbacks, etc.
* @see
export const authOptions: NextAuthOptions = {
session: { strategy: "jwt" },

callbacks: {
async jwt({ token, user }) {
const companiesId = await
where: {
users: {
some: {
id: user?.id,
select: {
slug: true,
.then((companies) => => company.slug));

if (user) token.role = user.role;
if (companiesId) token.companiesId = companiesId;

return token;

session({ session, token }) {
const tokenUser = z.object({
name: z.string(),
email: z.string(),
picture: z.string().nullable(),
sub: z.string(),
role: z.nativeEnum(Role),
companiesId: z.array(z.string()),
iat: z.number(),
exp: z.number(),
jti: z.string(),

const parsedToken = tokenUser.safeParse(token);

if (parsedToken.success) {
session.user = {

return session;

async signIn({ user }) {
if (user?.email === null || === undefined) return false;

const dbUser = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {

return dbUser !== null;

redirect({ baseUrl, url }) {
console.log("redirect", baseUrl, url);
return url;

//... provider configs and rest
* Options for NextAuth.js used to configure adapters, providers, callbacks, etc.
* @see
export const authOptions: NextAuthOptions = {
session: { strategy: "jwt" },

callbacks: {
async jwt({ token, user }) {
const companiesId = await
where: {
users: {
some: {
id: user?.id,
select: {
slug: true,
.then((companies) => => company.slug));

if (user) token.role = user.role;
if (companiesId) token.companiesId = companiesId;

return token;

session({ session, token }) {
const tokenUser = z.object({
name: z.string(),
email: z.string(),
picture: z.string().nullable(),
sub: z.string(),
role: z.nativeEnum(Role),
companiesId: z.array(z.string()),
iat: z.number(),
exp: z.number(),
jti: z.string(),

const parsedToken = tokenUser.safeParse(token);

if (parsedToken.success) {
session.user = {

return session;

async signIn({ user }) {
if (user?.email === null || === undefined) return false;

const dbUser = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {

return dbUser !== null;

redirect({ baseUrl, url }) {
console.log("redirect", baseUrl, url);
return url;

//... provider configs and rest
Is there a way to do this without using getServerSideProps on every route? (using /pages directory) I thought about doing a wrapper component with the getServerSideProps check, and than wrapping the whole app with it, is there a cleaner way to do it?
Neto15mo ago
if you are using jwts you can't change the token after was created your options are: use db sessions
felipe.franco15mo ago
YES! thank you, that is exactly what I needed, I was using JWT to protect the routes using middleware.ts, but that was the wrong choice. Found a great article about protecting routes using a "AuthGuard" component:
DEV Community
Protecting static pages in Next.js application
In this article, I will explain how to structure your Next.js application so you can protect your sta...
felipe.franco15mo ago
This is my initial implemetation, works great:
import { signIn, useSession } from "next-auth/react";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useEffect } from "react";

export function AuthGuard({ children }: { children: JSX.Element }) {
const { status, data: session } = useSession();
const router = useRouter();

const adminRoutes = ["/admin"];
const isAdminRoute = adminRoutes.some((route) =>
const isRootRoute = router.pathname === "/";
const isDashboardRouteAndIdNotSet =
router.pathname.startsWith("/dashboard") && !router.query.companySlug;

useEffect(() => {
if (status !== "loading") {
//auth is initialized and there is no user
if (!session) {
void signIn();
}, [router, status, session]);

/* show loading indicator while the auth provider is still initializing */
if (status === "loading") {
return (
<div className="flex min-h-screen items-center justify-center">
<h1 className="text-5xl">Securing route</h1>

// if auth initialized with a valid user show protected page
if (session) {
// if user tries to access root route or /dashboard without a slug and is logged in, redirect to dashboard/[companySlug]
if (isRootRoute || isDashboardRouteAndIdNotSet) {
console.log("redirecting to dashboard");
const companyName = session.user?.companies[0]?.name;
void router.push(`/dashboard/${companyName}`);
return null;

const isSuperAdmin = session.user?.role === "SUPERADMIN";

// if user is not admin and tries to access admin routes, redirect to home
if (!isSuperAdmin && isAdminRoute) {
void router.push("/");
return null;

return <>{children}</>;

/* otherwise don't return anything, will do a redirect from useEffect */
return null;
import { signIn, useSession } from "next-auth/react";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useEffect } from "react";

export function AuthGuard({ children }: { children: JSX.Element }) {
const { status, data: session } = useSession();
const router = useRouter();

const adminRoutes = ["/admin"];
const isAdminRoute = adminRoutes.some((route) =>
const isRootRoute = router.pathname === "/";
const isDashboardRouteAndIdNotSet =
router.pathname.startsWith("/dashboard") && !router.query.companySlug;

useEffect(() => {
if (status !== "loading") {
//auth is initialized and there is no user
if (!session) {
void signIn();
}, [router, status, session]);

/* show loading indicator while the auth provider is still initializing */
if (status === "loading") {
return (
<div className="flex min-h-screen items-center justify-center">
<h1 className="text-5xl">Securing route</h1>

// if auth initialized with a valid user show protected page
if (session) {
// if user tries to access root route or /dashboard without a slug and is logged in, redirect to dashboard/[companySlug]
if (isRootRoute || isDashboardRouteAndIdNotSet) {
console.log("redirecting to dashboard");
const companyName = session.user?.companies[0]?.name;
void router.push(`/dashboard/${companyName}`);
return null;

const isSuperAdmin = session.user?.role === "SUPERADMIN";

// if user is not admin and tries to access admin routes, redirect to home
if (!isSuperAdmin && isAdminRoute) {
void router.push("/");
return null;

return <>{children}</>;

/* otherwise don't return anything, will do a redirect from useEffect */
return null;
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