Terrible Uploadthing performance with German ISP.
Could someone perhaps have a look at whether or not there is some blacklisting being done by TELECOM in Germany, the majority ISP here. I can in no way bypass their blocking of uploadthing hosted files through my router except for using a VPN. I've done a bunch of testing, and as far as I can tell, it is only when traffic is going through my router.
The download times are in the range of
30s for 50kb
which makes my product essentially unusable.
I would really appreciate any help anyone has to offer. I'm at the point if phoning up my ISP personally...
Cheers. :PepeHands:8 Replies
Give me some links and I’ll check with DSL and fibre accounts I have at deutsche Telekom
if you refresh a bunch without cache, should be good enough on the pictures.
Mo Falk Website
Music/Links/Contact/Everything Else :D
issue persists still 🥲
Seems to work fine with Deutsche Glasfaser and Vodafone
hmm fak
i mean thats good, but its not for me... will investigate further. im almost certain it cant be a thing i did, but u never know.
edit nvm, it is fixed for me now too... huh?!??!
Telekom at its finest
For me everything works fine with Deutsche Telekom.