React context in Server Component Page

I have a server component page where I want to provide a context having this file and adding it to the page it throws error?? What Im missing here
'use client';

import React, { createContext, useContext, useMemo, useState } from 'react';

import type { PropsWithChildren } from 'react';

export enum FormMode {
'VIEW' = 'VIEW',
'EDIT' = 'EDIT',

type FormModeContextType = {
mode: FormMode;
setMode: (mode: FormMode) => void;
isViewMode: boolean;
isEditMode: boolean;
isCreateMode: boolean;

const FormModeContext = createContext<FormModeContextType | undefined>(

export const useFormMode = (): FormModeContextType => {
const context = useContext(FormModeContext);

if (!context) {
throw new Error('useFormMode must be used within a FormModeProvider');

return context;

export const FormModeProvider = ({
}: PropsWithChildren<{ initialFormMode: FormMode }>) => {
const [mode, setMode] = useState<FormMode>(() => initialFormMode);

// Memoize the context value to avoid unnecessary re-renders
const value = useMemo(
() => ({
isViewMode: mode === FormMode.VIEW,
isEditMode: mode === FormMode.EDIT,
isCreateMode: mode === FormMode.CREATE,

return (
<FormModeContext.Provider value={value}>
'use client';

import React, { createContext, useContext, useMemo, useState } from 'react';

import type { PropsWithChildren } from 'react';

export enum FormMode {
'VIEW' = 'VIEW',
'EDIT' = 'EDIT',

type FormModeContextType = {
mode: FormMode;
setMode: (mode: FormMode) => void;
isViewMode: boolean;
isEditMode: boolean;
isCreateMode: boolean;

const FormModeContext = createContext<FormModeContextType | undefined>(

export const useFormMode = (): FormModeContextType => {
const context = useContext(FormModeContext);

if (!context) {
throw new Error('useFormMode must be used within a FormModeProvider');

return context;

export const FormModeProvider = ({
}: PropsWithChildren<{ initialFormMode: FormMode }>) => {
const [mode, setMode] = useState<FormMode>(() => initialFormMode);

// Memoize the context value to avoid unnecessary re-renders
const value = useMemo(
() => ({
isViewMode: mode === FormMode.VIEW,
isEditMode: mode === FormMode.EDIT,
isCreateMode: mode === FormMode.CREATE,

return (
<FormModeContext.Provider value={value}>
Page RSC
export default async function LocationView({
}: {
params: { locationId: string };
}) {

return (
<FormModeProvider initialFormMode={FormMode.VIEW}>
<LocationForm defaultFormValues={defaultFormValues} />
export default async function LocationView({
}: {
params: { locationId: string };
}) {

return (
<FormModeProvider initialFormMode={FormMode.VIEW}>
<LocationForm defaultFormValues={defaultFormValues} />
Its telling me to use it withing parent that is client component? Why to? why I cant directly use it in RSC
1 Reply
because React Context is a Client thing? Its a way of sharing stuff between components in Client, not in the server.

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