React on Amplify with or without Next.js
Hi, i'm doing a rewrite of a React app. What is outside of my control:
1. deploy to aws, either amplify or ecs
2. backend done in python
3. using react
what i can control is what libraries to use with react. i've noticed a lot of tutorial and guides use next.js for backend with react. i already have a backend in python.
should i bother learning next.js? what benefit would i get from it?
thanks for help.
4 Replies
i'd just use vite+react
also instead of using amplify ask them if you can use sst instead
✂️ client side react
9 seconds · Clipped by Arif Rahman · Original video "I've waited 6 years for this..." by Theo - t3․gg
Given your „out of my hand“, vite+react is mostlikely your goto.
If you see a chance, that you can get control of what is outside of your control, nextjs could be an option
thanks for the feedback. i'll stick to react+vite. there is no way to move anything regarding the stack 😦