What's the idiomatic way to enable/disable a button based on Zod results?

Hi, New to React, not really a frontend developer. I want to disable my button if my Zod schema doesn't like the field value. Ideally without adding a redundant useState to track whether the field is valid. In the example below, I can use disabled = (nextItem === ''), but that pattern won't scale to more complex validations (I assume). I'm used to rxjs from Angular-land, I assume there's a reactive approach here as well. Or am I totally off-base?
function RapidEntryList () {
const [items, setItems] = useState([] as string[]);
const [nextItem, setNextItem] = useState<string>('');

function addItem(item: string): () => boolean {
return () => {
const copy = items.slice();
return false;

function inputChange(newValue: string) {
const result = itemName.safeParse(newValue);
setNextItem(result.success ? result.data : '');

const itemName: ZodString = z.string().trim().min(1).max(maxTaskNameLength);

return (<div>
<div className="join join-vertical">
{items.map((str, i) => <p key={i} className="join-item">{str}</p>)}
<input type="text" onChange={e => inputChange(e.target.value)}
placeholder="Start entering your items" className="input w-full max-w-xs"/>
<button className="btn" disabled={/* what goes here??? */false} onClick={addItem(nextItem)}>Add</button>
function RapidEntryList () {
const [items, setItems] = useState([] as string[]);
const [nextItem, setNextItem] = useState<string>('');

function addItem(item: string): () => boolean {
return () => {
const copy = items.slice();
return false;

function inputChange(newValue: string) {
const result = itemName.safeParse(newValue);
setNextItem(result.success ? result.data : '');

const itemName: ZodString = z.string().trim().min(1).max(maxTaskNameLength);

return (<div>
<div className="join join-vertical">
{items.map((str, i) => <p key={i} className="join-item">{str}</p>)}
<input type="text" onChange={e => inputChange(e.target.value)}
placeholder="Start entering your items" className="input w-full max-w-xs"/>
<button className="btn" disabled={/* what goes here??? */false} onClick={addItem(nextItem)}>Add</button>
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