Regarding 2025 status of t3
Hey guys I just need help of someone who has been using t3 for some time to get clarified about how t3 is in current tech market for building freelance projects or saas applications
5 Replies
It is good to go. Go ahead and use it. Nothing really outdated in it.
If you’re set on NextJS, it’s definitely a good starting point. If not, things like AstroJS might also be an option depending on the case.
Has anything been mentioned about the future plans for t3? Whether the project will be maintained for x amount of time? I'm aware it's a loose collection of tools so it doesn't have updates per se.
Usually when trying to determine if a project is still relevant I look at their github repo: if it has zero activity it's probably dead.
create-t3-app looks active:
But I'm not sure github activity is a relevant metric for T3 : I think this is more of a "template" that encapsulates what Theo recommends to start a new app.
So I'd say keep watching Theo's YouTube videos to keep current on the state of things? I think he does a great job teaching and updating us about new webdev tools and technologies.
Create T3 ist just a starting template with all the included tools being installed in the latest version. Therefore, as long as the tools being used (tailwind, typescript trpc, drizzle, prisma ) are not end of life, nor are newer and (subjected) better tools available, there are little reasons to update sth in a good shape.
Theo posted a video 3 days ago titled "Is This The End Of T3 Stack? (JStack Breakdown)" where he doesn't exactly answer the question, but says "the way the T3 stack was proposed isn't even the way I use it today" and "today, there is a new solution".
I don't know if it's just me but I found the video confusing... I guess the point is not that the jstack replaces the T3 stack, but that users need to decide which stack is better suited to their use case, but there's not a lot of guidance on that...