including /edit path for profile data?

i have a url /username and this has a list of data that can be re-ordered and edited. my plan was to have it such that you click edit, the list becomes re-orderable and you reorder, then you click save and it persists to the server. thoughts on having the readonly state being /username and the editable state being /username/edit ? i'm pretty uncertain if i like this approach or not. another option is to have the list always in re-orderable state, and just save with a slight debounce or whatever
4 Replies
ethan 🇨🇦
ethan 🇨🇦16mo ago
i think it would make more sense to use /username?edit=true because you’re still on the same page however now you’re editing
jackOP16mo ago
True; do you think it even warrants url state at all?
ethan 🇨🇦
ethan 🇨🇦16mo ago
not sure, bit of a tossup for me. if you reload it would be nice if it stored that you were editing.
jackOP16mo ago
I’ve implemented it with search params and I really like it Getting some weird fetch behavior though

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