Hosting platform

Hi, I do you guys know a hosting platform that supports exposing multiple ports to the public , if it has a free tier it will be great as I want to try my idea out first
background on why am i doing this -> I have a dockerized next js app that also has golang api ( go cause i want to run next in dev mode in prod and golang to make react components(by llm) by using create dir. by using file based routing on the fly ) as next js gives error if the react component is wrong and will not let api work
1 Reply
JulieCezar11mo ago
You can do that on any VPS if you use reverse proxies with subdomains. E.g. --> reverse proxies to localhost:3000 for the next app. --> reverse proxies to localhost:4000 for something else.... And if you own the domain you can have as many subdomains as you want

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